Addressing lateral hip pain in runners
Alyson Freitag Alyson Freitag

Addressing lateral hip pain in runners

Lateral hip pain (hip pain located on the outside of your hip) is common in runners. The hip abductor muscles are located on the outside of the hip. These muscles include the gluteus medius and minimus muscles and tensor fascia lata. These muscles control the alignment of the hip and pelvis when we run.

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Evidence for Exercise
Alyson Freitag Alyson Freitag

Evidence for Exercise

Have you ever had an overuse injury like a tendinopathy (also known as tendinitis)? A common misconception about this injury is that rest is the most important piece to recovery. Though rest is important, it is not the most important part of your recovery. While adjusting your training volume during a time of injury, you should also be progressively loading your tendon. Tendon fibers become stronger when they are put to use in an intentional way.

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The Time to Improve Foot Function is Now
Alyson Freitag Alyson Freitag

The Time to Improve Foot Function is Now

The human foot is an evolutionary marvel. The human foot contains twenty-six bones, thirty-three joints, and one-hundred ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Our unique ability to walk on two legs (bipedal walking) is due in part to the ingenious balance of mobility, shock absorption, and propulsion found in our feet.

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