Hand-held Dynamometry
Dynamometry will give your physical therapist the most objective information regarding your muscular strength. This is especially important for when you are recovering from surgery. We need this objective data when determining if you are strong enough to return to work or sport.
Quad strength (demonstrated in picture) is a staple for assessing your ability to return to running or readiness for sport following knee surgery.

Pinch Grip Dynamometry

Hip Abduction Dynamometry

Shoulder External Rotation Dynamometry
We also have the space to go through indicated return to sport objective testing including but not limited to Y-balance, triple hop test, and single leg hop. This testing is imperative to ensuring your body is ready to return to the demands of your favorite sport or activity.
Triple Hop Test
Y-Balance Test
Other Return to Sport Services
Running Evaluation
Our 3D running technologies provide comprehensive insight into your running mechanics that humans simply cannot see with the naked eye. After we evaluate your results in the lab, we give you the tools to optimize your run in a clinic setting and then use wearable RunScribe technology to see how this translates back onto the trail. This objective data allows us to interpret your individual gait pattern and how it might impact your relative risk for over-use injuries.
Functional Movement Analysis
Using our 2D movement analysis system we can assess your movement patterns to reveal suboptimal patterns in your movement that could be impacting your performance or placing you at increased risk for injury.
Strength & Conditioning Class
This 8 week class is twice a week for athletes looking to reduce injury and improve lifting mechanics. Within a group setting, this class is limited to 6-8 people so each participant is given ample feedback and supervision by a physical therapist for ensured safety.