Expanding Clinic Space & Services

Sapphire Physical Therapy completed a major expansion project last winter. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm to evaluate and treat new and existing patients. Our recently expanded clinic is 6,000 square feet which makes social distancing a reality. The additional space includes a large gym area, new exercise equipment, three additional private treatment rooms (brings our total private treatment rooms to six), and a new therapist office. We have two separate parking lots, two entrances, four unique waiting areas, and we are staggering our schedules to eliminate waiting and congestion. Sapphire PT continues to offer telehealth evaluations and visits for at risk populations, or for folks who would rather not be seen in person. Most insurances now cover telehealth PT services. Our staff has your safety in mind as we continue to follow the latest CDC Covid-19 precautions (mask use, taking temperatures, hand-washing, vigorous cleaning, social distancing in the clinic).

Written by John Fiore, PT


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