Evidence for Exercise
Alyson Freitag Alyson Freitag

Evidence for Exercise

Have you ever had an overuse injury like a tendinopathy (also known as tendinitis)? A common misconception about this injury is that rest is the most important piece to recovery. Though rest is important, it is not the most important part of your recovery. While adjusting your training volume during a time of injury, you should also be progressively loading your tendon. Tendon fibers become stronger when they are put to use in an intentional way.

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Expanding Clinic Space & Services
Alyson Freitag Alyson Freitag

Expanding Clinic Space & Services

Sapphire Physical Therapy completed a major expansion project last winter. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm to evaluate and treat new and existing patients. Our recently expanded clinic is 6,000 square feet which makes social distancing a reality. The additional space includes a large gym area, new exercise equipment, three additional private treatment rooms (brings our total private treatment rooms to six), and a new therapist office. We have two separate parking lots, two entrances, four unique waiting areas, and we are staggering our schedules to eliminate waiting and congestion.

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